Excitement builds. Launch date for your book is two or three months away. Now it’s time to begin marketing. But what can you do to get your book noticed by readers? Here are tips from successful authors and marketers.
Prepare a 15 second pitch. Professional marketer MicheleTennesen says, when someone asks about your book, you want an answer that makes them go, “OH! I want to read that.” Practice until you have a couple of lines that sizzle.
Find a story behind your story. Internationally recognized historical novelist Jane Kirkpatrick discovered people are interested in the story behind her fact-based tales. That’s what she communicates to her diverse audiences. She finds this makes for multiple speaking engagements, which sells her books in the back of the room.
Develop a list of influencers. Think of 20 to 30 people who are both influential and what Tennesen calls blabbermouths. “You don’t want to send a copy of your book to someone who reads it and then does nothing. You want to send it to a reader who will review it on amazon.com, christianbooks.com, barnesandnoble.com, goodreads.com, AND tell their friends what a fabulous book they just read on Facebook, Twitter, and over coffee.”
Do giveaways on Facebook. Everyone does book giveaways, but think about doing one of an item related to your book is the advice of author Kate Lloyd. She offered an authentic Amish quilt that attracted attention to her Amish novel.
Partner with your marketing team at your publishing company. If you have resources, tell them you’ll spend $2,000 on your publicity campaign, suggests Tennesen. Then they can hire a marketing company to partner with their marketing department. Author Kate Lloyd says if you have the funds hire a marketing company yourself. They are well worth the money. You can pay by the hour, month, or a flat rate. Here are a couple of professionals: Wynn Wynn Media, Michele Howe Tennesen. They can do a myriad of things to fill in the holes of your marketing plan.
Market your book every day. If marketing feels frightening or uncomfortable, Kate Lloyd suggest treating the task like a new adventure. She’s currently developing a blog, something she thought she’d never do.
Do a blog tour. Lynette Bonner one of the most successful authors I know at using social media says she elicits 15-25 bloggers to guest her for one day. They post her picture and one of her book cover, give a description of the book, and if they’ve read the book, do a book review.
Do interviews on the Internet. Award-winning young adult author Janet Carey does blogger interviews. She says they take time but are well worth it. She also says to get lots of ARCS (advanced reader copies) and do book giveaways.
Don’t put off your marketing. Tennesen gave this last bit of chilling advice with the reminder that a book is considered old after it’s been out three months.
The Amish quilt idea is fabulous! For the release of one of my books I called the town where the book was set and got a bed and breakfast to donate one night’s stay for part of the launch promo. People got their names in the virtual hat by tweeting, promoting on their blogs, talking about the book on Facebook, etc. I loved doing that drawing and was so appreciative to The Outback Bed and Breakfast in Pierce for their generosity!
Great idea, Lynette. Writers need to pool their collective experiences to help one another come up with unique ways to market their books. I’m going to pass this along.
You’ve listed many great and productive techniques. Thanks for sharing.
Good helps. I can see where I fell short the 1st time. I love reading other’s ideas for marketing. I sure agree on the interviews & blog tours. Can’t let down, got to do it every day. You’re right about that.