Through My Bifocals

I picked out new glasses this week. The gal who helped me laid 20 pairs on the table. I tried each one on, eliminating those I didn’t like and putting the maybes in another pile. Finally, we whittled my choices down to three. I carefully tried these on again and tried to imagine wearing them for the next two years. What I wanted was a pair that would make me look 10 years younger, 20 pounds thinner, would show off my blue eyes, and match everything in my closet. No wonder the choice was difficult.

What I really wish my glasses would do is help me see more of the good qualities in my husband and fewer of the things I wish he’d change about himself. I want lenses that will make me more observant of the beauty around me instead of the worries in my heart. Lastly, I want them to help me alert to the pain in my friend’s face. When she says she’s okay, I want to see the truth, that she needs to talk about her son and she’s too embarrassed to bring him up yet again because we’ve been praying for him for two years and it seems the situation is getting worse instead of better. Do you suppose my optometrist sells a pair like that?

“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” (1 Cr 13:12 KJV)

Become more aware of the world around you by mentally describing what you see as you travel in your car. Include the five senses touch, taste, smells, sounds, and sight. Practice writing these scenes in a journal. Have fun coming up with the names for colors and the sounds a motor or a bird makes as he calls for his mate. Just as a pianist practices at the piano, writers need to practice writing.

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