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Misconceptions about God

What misconception about God keeps you from having a full relationship with him? For me, I thought he was a hard disciplinarian, judging my failures and finding me wanting. When I told a white lie or lost my temper or failed to take a meal to my neighbor who was ill, I felt him turn away from me. I could see his face, his smile turned down with disgust. I would try to justify my actions, but that didn’t help. He didn’t want to hear my feeble excuses. And so of course, he wasn’t open to my prayers either. I knew what he thought, Get your act together, then I might do what you ask.

Is that the God of the Bible? Scripture says he’s my friend and his love is as deep and wide as the ocean and there’s nothing I can do that will separate us. He knows me inside and out (Psalm 139) and weeps when I hurt. He longs to hear my voice and wants a warm personal relationship with me. Think of your best friend and how her face lights up when she sees you. She greets you with a warm hug and wants to know every little thing about you, the good, the bad, and the ugly. And when you share your mistakes, she doesn’t curl her mouth down in disgust, instead she puts her hand on yours, or better yet, holds you in her arms, and says she understands. She wipes your tears and urges you to do better and be better. But then take it one step further.

God wipes away my sins. He forgets them the moments I ask him for forgiveness. He totally heals my broken heart—and he answers my prayers, whether I deserve it or not. And he’s never farther away than a whisper.

The good/bad news for writers is we must also be speakers. Here are some tips shared by nationally known speaker Bill Butterworth.

1. Don’t speak too long. Leave them wanting more.
2. Be concise. Don’t have more than three points in your presentation.
3. Be relevant. Know your audience and give them what they want.
4. Leave them with something to remember. Make it practical.
5. Make sure your presentation is clear. Use illustrations and stories.

Attitude Is Everything

I worked with a writer many years ago who sent an article off to a major publication and it was accepted. We celebrated her good fortune because this was a big break in her writing career. However, when the article appeared, her precious words had been reduced to a paragraph. She was so angry and hurt, she stopped writing.

I worked with a writer a few years ago who sent an article off to a major publication and it was accepted. We celebrated her good fortune because this was a big break in her writing career. However, when the article appeared, her precious words had been reduced to a paragraph. She was disconcerted—for a few moments, but then said, “Fine. At least they paid me and gave me credit. And this will look great on my list of credentials.” She took this break and parlayed it into a book contract a couple of years later.

Which person would you like to be?

I have a rule: When I receive a rejection, I try to put my article or story in the mail within 24 hours. This turns those ugly thoughts of wanting to give up, being sure I must have made a mistake to think I could write, and worrying that I’m wasting my time into hope. Finding another magazine or publishing house can be hard when you’re feeling low, so when you first develop your idea, make a list of at least three places that could be possible markets and put them with your article or story. This way, when the first house rejects you, you already have another place already scoped out.

A Different Kind of Moving Day

For 63 years my mother has lived at the wrong address and didn’t know it. This past week she moved from 810 Villard to a new address and a new street all without leaving her home. At first she was upset and wanted to fight this discovery by the city council when they mapped the town. Letting everyone know her change of address was going to be difficult. How would the UPS man and the florist delivery person find her?

That wasn’t the only change she had to face. This weekend my husband helped her erect a mailbox in front of her house. Starting July 1, her mail will be delivered there instead of her post office box in town. Sounds convenient. Now she doesn’t have to drive, or walk, the half-mile downtown to collect her mail every day. This will be especially nice when the weather turns stormy and the roads are icy. Well, that’s not how she sees it. The daily trip to town is an excuse to get out of her house.

She lives by herself in the house where I was raised, the house that my dad built board by board and added onto as his family grew to eventually include three daughters and four sons. She’s reluctant to give it up because once a year we all come home for the June Picnic, a community celebration. Where else could she live that has five bedrooms and room for a tent in the backyard for the grandkids? She admits she gets lonely, but she wants to hang onto her home as long as she can. She understands that getting out keeps her mentally healthy.

But that’s not the only reason she enjoys the post office. It’s also the center of the community. She often runs into people she knows and she can chat with them and find out what is going on. She keeps up with who is in the hospital, who has had a new grandbaby, who is out of work, or who is new in town.

Even if she doesn’t run into another person, the post office is where everyone posts what’s for sale, upcoming events, and announcements. If she wants to know what’s going on, she reads the bulletin board. It’s a fount of information. Plus, that’s how she found the man who mows her lawn.

Now she will have one less reason to go to town. Moving is hard even when you don’t have to pick up a couch or a mattress and put it in the back of a pickup. But my mom has a good attitude. I’m sure she’ll find other reasons to stop into the post office. Maybe she’ll mail more letters to me.

Today is the Fourth of July. Editors are on the lookout for articles with themes they can print in their July issues. Keep an ear open for stories during this weekend which you can write up and submit for next year’s celebration. Perhaps someone will ask you a question about the Revolutionary War. A bit of research and the answer can be the basis of an article. Think about five to seven little know facts about the founding fathers. I saw a survey on the news that said 22 percent of those surveyed didn’t know what country we fought against for our freedom. Seems as if everyone should know these basics, but obviously they don’t. Maybe instead of little known facts, you could use this survey and write up an article about the “basics facts” everyone should know. Be creative and you will have an article an editor will want—next year.


At church yesterday, we watched a video documentary about a young woman who has been blind since birth. She has never seen grass, the sky, or the face of her mother. She knows she’s beautiful, not because a mirror tells her so, but because Jesus told her what’s most important is she’s beautiful on the inside. Her one regret is she must depend on others to help her get through her days. She wishes she could be more independent. However, this doesn’t keep her from living with joy, which I could see expressed on her face, in her voice. This inner happiness flows from her great faith. She is so in love with Jesus that her greatest expectation is of the first face she will see—Jesus’.

As I heard her say that, I had to ask myself, am I living with that kind of expectation? I had to honestly answer no. I love my life, my new grandbaby, my kids, my activities. I’m wrapped up in my latest writing project, plans for vacation at the end of the month, and worry about my son’s health issues. I’m firmly planted in this world.

When I do spend time with Christ, I don’t see it as a time to build a relationship with him. I pray for relatives, friends, and strangers. Maybe complain about my personal problems, ask forgiveness for my latest slipup, or fuss about something that’s bothering me. But Christ wants more; he wants me to love him “with all my heart, mind, and soul,” not just dump on him. My time with him has become a one way street—me talking to him. The part that’s missing is that precious time when I listen and let him minister to me. That’s how a deep relationship is built.

This video clip showed me I’ve gotten off track. Yes, I live in this world and can love all the things I do and am, but also I can be close to God, so close I long to see his face.

This week notice the “big questions” your friends are discussing on Facebook, Twitter, or in person. Write them down and ask yourself how you can write something that would address the answers. This is one way to generate ideas for articles, short stories, devotions, or blog posts. Who knows, this may even turn into something bigger.

Knowing God’s Will

The job opportunity felt like God’s will. My husband wasn’t happy with his current corporate position, even though there was security, a comfortable salary, and benefits. He’d dreamed of something better and Jim showed my husband how he could make lots of money, be his own boss, set his own hours. We were new parents, new Christians. Was this from God? Sure felt like it. Was it scary to step out on this new adventure? Yes, but we were sure God would take care of us.

Larry gave his notice and quit his job. We stepped out on faith; certain this was God’s will.

A week into this new opportunity and Larry knew he’d gone to work for someone who wasn’t honest. And the promised money was nothing but that, a promise. We’d stepped out on faith, but it was more like we’d jumped off a cliff. How could this have happened?

Looking back we realize we made several big mistakes. How can you tell if an opportunity is God’s will? Pray about it, yes, but then check it out. We knew someone who could’ve told us Jim was nothing but hot air—all we had to do was talk to him. Listen to those around you. If this is from God, trusted advisors and family members will confirm your decision. We skipped this step too. Ask if you’re confusing God’s voice with your emotions. We were attracted to Jim’s promises, his charisma, the idea of trading in a corporate job for something more creative. Take your time. If you aren’t sure, and someone is pressuring you to make a decision, then ask for more time. If this is from God, big breaks will be there the next day, six weeks, even six months from now.

These principles can be applied to just about any decision you’re facing—a new job, a move across the country, a potential spouse, or a puppy. Perhaps our painful experience can save you from making the mistake we did.

As a writer it can be hard to know God’s will for your career. Fiction? Nonfiction? Articles? Books? What topic should you concentrate on? Family, money, Bible studies, historical fiction, mysteries, children’s books? Should you follow your heart or what’s selling? Almost every writer I know struggles with this question at one time or another. Some things to take into consideration are:

1) Do you need to make money? If so then you may need to write articles and cover topics that you might not be interested in, in order to earn a paycheck.

2) What is your passion? If you don’t need to earn money, then follow your passion. If you love children’s books and this is what you’ve always wanted to write, then follow that dream. Become an expert in that genre. Your love will come through your words.

3) If you don’t know, then try different types of writing and genres until you discover the place that makes you happiest.

4) Above all, bathe everything in prayer and ask God to show you where he wants you to use your gift.

The Message

My dad served as a signalman on a ship in the Pacific during World War II. He was on duty one night when he received a message that needed to be taken to the captain immediately. The captain and most of the ship’s crew were down below, watching a movie. He was booed as he walked into the room and interrupted everyone’s good time. He ignored the comments and shouts of his fellow navy men because he knew the message was important. In fact, it would change their lives. The Japanese had surrendered.

My dad died ten years ago of cancer and the days that stir my memories of him more than any others are Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Veteran’s Day. He shared a few stories of his service, some of them were funny, some of them touching. Each of them I treasure with pride.

Capture the stories your parents tell. You might not ever publish them, but they will make memories you can pass along to your children and grandchildren. These memories may be some of the most valuable stories you ever write.

The Scent of a Baby

I read once that smell more than any of our senses touches our emotions. Real estate agents know this and will place on simmer a pan of water with a stick of cinnamon in a house they are showing. Or they’ll put a sheet of cookies in the oven. Nothing makes a house feel like home more than the aroma of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies.

I thought about this as I held my two-week-old grandson, Drew, Thursday night and buried my face in his neck. I breathed deeply of his scent. What exactly is it? Shampoo, their breath, spit up, laundry soap? The grandpa on Everybody Loves Raymond used to smell his grandchildren, saying it was the sweet scent of youth.

Whatever the source of that unique odor, the emotions that welled up in me as I cuddled Drew will last a lifetime. I think the smell of a baby is the scent of love.

Most writers forget to use the sense of smell when describing a setting. They are quick to add physical descriptions, maybe even sounds, but few go that extra mile and describe the aromas in their scenes. Add this dimension and you’ll engage the readers’ emotions fully.

An Empty Lot

The other day, my husband and I drove by a lot that had recently been cleared by a developer. The problem was, neither of us could remember what had stood there just a few short days before. Was it a home, an apartment building, or a business? We both were amazed at how quickly we could forget a building we passed by on a semi-regular basis.

Later it dawned on me that some of our lives are like that. We don’t make an impression on the people around us and when we move or die, no one will miss us very much. That thought took me back. Would I be remembered by my neighbors? By the people in my church? My friends? Do I stand out? Or am I just part of the background?

God has called us to love our neighbor. That means actively being a part of their lives, saying hello on the street, getting to know them, inviting them into my home. I know I fall short and have vowed to do a better job of being involved in the lives of those around me.

Sometimes we become so focused on reaching the world with our message that we forget we have a mission to love our neighbors, our friends, our family. We pray about how we can get published, but maybe we also should pray about how God can use us to minister to the people who populate our world on a daily basis. An e-mail to a parent, a note to your spouse telling them how much they mean to you, or to your child telling them you noticed something special about them. In the long run, that could mean more than your next publishing credit.

Drew Bodmer

Drew Shanahan Bodmer, born 5/7/10, parents, David and Merrick, are doing fine. Drew was just two hours old in this picture. Drew is my first grandchild and I’m so thankful that everything went well. He lives in the Seattle area and I will be able to see him often. If you’re wondering about the hat, his mother is from Scarsdale, NY.


My grandson was due April 25th and today is May 4th and he still hasn’t made his appearance. Waiting is hard, no matter what our age. His father was 10 days overdue and my husband and I joke this is payback for making us wait those 10 long, hot summer days for his arrival.

We wait for lots of things and it never gets any easier, does it? As children, we waited with expectation for Christmas, our birthday, school to get out for the summer. Now we wait for vacations, promotions, our children to come for a visit, or that call that says we got the job.

As Christians, we wait for Christ’s return. Do we wait with the same anticipation? I have to admit that I don’t. His return seems like something way off in the future and yet, we are cautioned in the Bible to be ever prepared, as a bride waits for her bridegroom.

Matthew 25:13: “Keep watch! For you do not know the day or hour of my return.”


As writers, we submit a query letter or an article, then wait weeks to hear back. As book authors, we wait months to hear from an editor and even when we get a yes, it can be a year or more before our book sees a bookstore shelf. Waiting is part of the business. While you wait, get busy and start another project.