Now that you have an idea for your novel, think about these three things. Who will bring this idea to fruition–charater? How will they do it–plot line? And where will they do it–setting.
Every novel that has made a mark in the publishing world has had one character that has stood out from the rest. This is the main character. Before you chose who this person is spend a lot of time thinking about them. They may come to you quickly, or they may come to you slowly. However they are created by you (I don’t advise basing characters on real people) they should be bigger than life. Think about the characters that stand out in your mind, either from movies or books. For me they are Scarlett O’Hara, Luke Skywalker, James Bond, Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, David from the Bible, Nancy Drew from my childhood, etc. What makes them memorable? They are bigger than life.
This doesn’t mean they aren’t real people, athough James Bond comes closer than the others to being unrealistic. They had faults and strengths; they grew throughout their stories; some of them were even unlikeable. They achieved impossible goals. They lived life wholly. They were strong. They were not victims–and if they were, they faced their tragedy with courage and vowed to change things. They were courageous. Develop your character along the lines of the ones you remember. Spend time brainstorming about their background, their parents, their childhood. Write out defining moments in their lives. Develop a need in them, something that throbs within their very being. Define their core beliefs about life.
If you do, I promise the next step–putting them in the plot line, will be much easier.